The Process Of Birthing pt 1
In recent times, I have been struggling with certain issues that I'll prefer to spare you the details about but will rather go on to reveal the lessons learnt. I have gone through a lot of mental and physiological challenges that it took an extra faith in GOD to surmount. There are situations that come ones way that are akin to quicksand, thus can swallow up a person if there's no firmer anchor. There are loads of internal and external forces or factors that can completely bamboozle a person if care is thrown to the winds... Over the years, I've made it a point of duty to learn from nature, thus holds a lot of learning indications that can unleash a person unto heights of depth-ful insight if attention is given to it. A lot of humanity's challenges can be sipped like a cup of tea if we can take a pause and be more observant to the unshakable laws of nature that abound... The reason for this briefing is because of ...