The Vital Position Of H2O
A 2014 study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research agrees that dehydration negatively impacts performance.
Researchers found that the heart rate changes an average of three beats per minute for every 1 percent change in body weight resulting from dehydration.
Furthermore, dehydration causes changes in electrolytes present in your body, leading to low blood pressure. Due to extra stress on your body, heart palpitations become faster. This can be frightening and cause anxiety and panic.
If you feel your heart beating faster, try sipping water slowly to see if you feel better. If the problem persists, consult your doctor immediately.
Tips to Prevent Dehydration:
Drink plenty of water and other fluids every day. The amount of water you need to drink usually depends on a number of factors, such as the climate in which you live, how physically active you are, and your overall health.
Start your day with a large glass of water (room temperature) and drink one full glass of water before every meal.
If you are busy and often forget to drink water, set a reminder to drink a glass of water a few times a day.
Carry your own water bottle, no matter where you are going.
Along with water, start including water-rich fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Avoid drinks that can cause dehydration, such as alcohol, energy drinks and others that contain caffeine.
When suffering from a fever, vomiting or diarrhea, increase your fluid intake to prevent severe dehydration.
Consult your doctor immediately if you are having symptoms such as extreme thirst, dizziness, not passing urine for more than eight hours, and a rapid or weak pulse.
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