
Showing posts from October, 2016


Just saw this nice story with a wonderful lesson and thought to share it with u all, pls enjoy: An aging King realized that if he died he has no one to take over the throne. He decided to adopt a son. He launched a competition and 10 boys made it to the top. The King said to them, "I have one last test and whoever comes top will become my adopted son and heir to my throne". He gave each boy a seed of corn and told them to take the seed home, plant and nurture it for 3 weeks. The 10 boys took their seeds and ran home to plant their seeds. In one home, the boy and his parents were sad when the seed failed to sprout. The boy had done everything but he failed. His friends advised him to buy a seed and plant it but his God fearing parents who had always taught him honesty refused. The day came and the 10 boys went to the palace. All the 9 boys were successful. The King went to each boy asking – “Is that what came out of the seed I gave you?" And each boy said ...

Tips for Blissful Living #HEalthPursuit

Bliss is the most sought after state/experience of most humans. It is a state of pure joy! However there are certain factors that make this state attainable to any of the homo sapiens specie and one of such key factors is health! A healthy lifestyle is needed if bliss is to be attained,and there are many factors responsible for sound health: Top on the hierarchy is GOD's protection,but it's needful to state that you don't take this provision for granted by neglecting your own part! As we grow older,we have to be a lot wiser about our ingestive choices! You need to treat your body like a car,ensuring proper maintenance of every part through a thorough and disciplined intake regimen. Do not joke with your fruits and veggies,the oranges,apples,bananas,soursops,avocados,kiwis,almonds,cashews,grapes,cucumbers,carrots... Of this world,would do your body a whole lot of good! Also a 15 min brisk walking at the break of dawn will help in proper blood circulation after a lengthy nigh...

#BeAssertive #BlissfulLiving #Lifestyle

Why be assertive? 4 major benefits of assertive behaviour Assertiveness is an excellent skill both for managing your relationships with others and managing your relationship with yourself. It takes a great deal of effort to become assertive and it does not happen overnight. In a sense, when you decide to be assertive, you choose to make it a way of life for you. If you have not, up to that point, been assertive, you may make a lot of people feel uncomfortable. The dynamic of your relationships will change. Most people will, in time, adapt to your new approach but there may be a small number of people who do not. The people who do not adapt will end up playing a smaller role, if any, in your life. I am trying to a paint a brief but honest picture of what happens when you decide that you need to be assertive on a more consistent basis. So, given the effort required and the potential for stress, why would you want to be assertive? When you choose to be assertive, you operate from a po...

Breast Cancer Prevention Tips. #BlissfulLiving

This Armpit Detox Helps Prevent Breast Cancer Many breast cancers develop close to the armpit area, which raises concerns about the products that we use daily on our skin in this area of the body. Rather than being fearful of the deodorant, lotion, sunscreen or fragrance products that you use, become educated about their ingredients and learn what to avoid the next time you need these items. Although our skin care and hygiene products are tested for safety, more people are choosing to avoid ingredients that are even remotely associated with cancer. Applying products like deodorant, sunscreen, and body spray to the thin skin of the armpit could provide a way for harmful chemicals to get to the estrogen receptors under our skin. Cancer can happen in almost every organ and tissue in the human body. Genetic mutations or cellular damage cause changes to our cells which makes them multiply abnormally in tissues and form tumors. Approximately 1 in 8 women and 1 in 1000 men will get brea...


Daily Reading & Meditation  Monday (October 17):  Storing up true riches Scripture:  Luke 12:13-21 13 One of the multitude said to him, "Teacher, bid my brother divide the inheritance with me." 14 But he said to him, "Man, who made me a judge or divider over you?" 15 And he said to them, "Take heed, and beware of all covetousness; for a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." 16 And he told them a parable, saying, "The land of a rich man brought forth plentifully; 17 and he thought to himself, `What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?' 18 And he said, `I will do this: I will pull down my barns, and build larger ones; and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, be merry.' 20 But God said to him, `Fool! This night your soul is required of you; and the things you have prepared, whose ...

#Blissful Living #10RemediesForLoweringCholesterolInYourBody

Cholesterol falls under three categories: low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) that may need medications and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL and VLDL are bad for your health, while HDL is good for your health. People of all ages, ethnicities and genders can have high cholesterol. Certain factors put you at a higher risk, such as excessive smoking, obesity, large waist circumference, poor diet, lack of exercise, hypothyroidism and diabetes. Most of these factors are within your control. Genetics is one risk factor that is beyond your control. As high cholesterol does not present any symptoms, you need to get your cholesterol levels checked from time to time. A lipid panel test measures your total, LDL and HDL cholesterol, along with triglycerides. The CDC defines the following blood cholesterol levels as healthy: Total cholesterol: less than 200 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter of blood) LDL cholesterol: less than 100 mg/dL HDL cholesterol: 40 ...

What goes around comes around #TheLawOfReciprocity

In 1892 at Stanford University, an 18-year-old student was struggling to pay his fees. He was an orphan, and not knowing where to turn for money, he came up with a bright idea. He and a friend decided to host a musical concert on campus to raise money for their education. They reached out to the great pianist Ignacy J. Paderewski. His manager demanded a guaranteed fee of $2000 for the piano recital. A deal was struck and the boys began to work to make the concert a success. The big day arrived. But unfortunately, they had not managed to sell enough tickets. The total collection was only $1600. Disappointed, they went to Paderewski and explained their plight. They gave him the entire $1600, plus a cheque for the balance $400. They promised to honour the cheque at the soonest possible. “No,” said Paderewski. “This is not acceptable.” He tore up the cheque, returned the $1600 and told the two boys: “Here’s the $1600. Please deduct whatever expenses you have incurred. Keep the money you ...

The Vital Position Of H2O

A 2014 study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research agrees that dehydration negatively impacts performance. Researchers found that the heart rate changes an average of three beats per minute for every 1 percent change in body weight resulting from dehydration. Furthermore, dehydration causes changes in electrolytes present in your body, leading to low blood pressure. Due to extra stress on your body, heart palpitations become faster. This can be frightening and cause anxiety and panic. If you feel your heart beating faster, try sipping water slowly to see if you feel better. If the problem persists, consult your doctor immediately. Tips to Prevent Dehydration: Drink plenty of water and other fluids every day. The amount of water you need to drink usually depends on a number of factors, such as the climate in which you live, how physically active you are, and your overall health. Start your day with a large glass of water (room temperature) and drink one f...

Beauty Regimen

10 Habits of People Who Age Well and Look Younger Than Their Age Everyone has a secret wish of aging well. You are not an exception. It is true that no matter how healthy or unhealthy you are, nothing can be done to stop the aging process. However, you can slow the aging of your body by adopting certain healthy habits as early as possible. Goods habits today can help you enjoy old age with much grace and attitude. Apart from genetics, most of the cellular processes that cause the body to age are affected by diet, lifestyle, exercise, stress and other outside influences. Bear in mind that helping your body age well takes time. Just pick some healthy habits and stick to them without fail to get positive results. Here are the 10 small habits of people who age well. 1. Proper Skin Care Routine Aging shows in your skin first, so it is important to follow a proper skin care routine to help delay skin aging signs. A study published in Dermato Endocrinology in 2012 says that w...

A pocket enhancing initiative

Life is fun when you're well funded this is why its my joy to introduce an avenue to great wealth to you. I want u to join a fundraising club called crowdrising. It will help U to be financially independent. U start out by paying 7400,then get 5 people to register under U and U receive the registration money of them all which is 37k. They pay directly to U and U sign them in. They in turn will invite 5 each and when U upgrade to grade 2,U get the donation of the 25 people under ur 5 which is 370k. Those 25 will bring 5 each making 125 and when U upgrade to grade 3,U reciv their donation which will be 2.somethin million and so on. The money is paid directly to U,no admin,no 3rd party,no dubiosity. If U want to join,let me know.. Call me on 2348062569226(whatsapp also).!