
Showing posts from August, 2016

Blissful Verses #Poetry

PoetonicElla THOU VISION OF MINE I gaze,I reflect,I meditate This is always my fixed mental state This is unique to me and not an inherited trait I'm happy it came early enough not when it would be late... My mind is always busy But I'm never uneasy Doesn't make me weak or dizzy You're just a weirdo!confessed my girlfriend Lizzy... I caught me a vision not too long ago When precisely,you don't need to know It has me bound to its rhythm and flow Wherever this path may lead,I'm ready to go... The way up the mountain Is endowed with definite pain But the competition up there is less And promises non-abundant stress... I love plans that are unique Styles that will launch you to the peak Nonetheless one's heart must be meek Must constantly the MASTER'S direction seek... Many eyes are looking only a few can see Many believe in fate say what will be will be I thank GOD for giving a distinctive mind to me Ain't in the clamour,sets me at liberty... Ins...

Food for the soul

Demands of the Soul By Billy Graham   •   August 2   •   Topics: Soul & Spirit SHARE TWEET And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought . . . —Isaiah 58:11 The soul demands as much attention as the body. It demands fellowship and communion with God. It demands worship, quietness, and meditation. Unless the soul is fed and exercised daily, it becomes weak and shriveled. It remains discontented, confused, restless. Many people turn to alcohol to try to drown the cryings and longings of the soul. Some turn to a new sex experience. Others attempt to quiet the longings of their souls in other ways. Nothing but God ever completely satisfies, because the soul is made for God, and without God it is restless and in secret torment. The first step to God is a realization of your spiritual poverty. The poor in spirit do not measure the worth of life in earthly possessions, which fade away, but in terms of eternal realities, which endure forever. Wise is the man ...


It's a New month,and its time for new hope,zeal,enthusiasm,perspective,perception,vision. It's time to put away the cloak of self defeat and start believing in your GOD bestowed ability! Arise! Shine!!!!!