
Showing posts from April, 2016
MESSAGES LOG IN EXPLORE HELP US EDIT Home » Categories » Youth » Personal Care for Youth » Youth Fashion » Fashion for Girls Article Edit Discuss Edit Article How to Dress Modestly and Attractively (Girls) Four Methods: Mind Your Modesty Rules Layers Are Your New Best Friend Avoid "Frumpy" Looks Add Personality with Accessories Community Q&A If you recently decided to start dressing more modestly, you may feel a little lost about how to do so while still looking fashionable. Contrary to popular belief, "modest" and "fashionable" are not enemies. Decide what your standards of modesty are, and find trendy pieces that fit within those standards. Add layers to make things more modest, and adorn yours...

Celebratory Event

The pictures from the 70th birthday celebration of Chief (Mrs) Olufunmilayo Abike Jabaru, the Iyalaje of Iwo-land and YeyeOba of Ibaland is loading! Keep y'all posted...

What you want is what you watch

The world is so focused on whats wrong with what,but at Blissful Moments And Events, we focus on what's right, we simply and strongly celebrate the bright side of Life! Joy can be found in the gloomiest moments, if we can just remember to turn on the light. Every difficulty has  an opportunity, and every opportunity has a  difficulty! It's called the law of equivalent benefit- Napoleon Hill

confidence boosters

7 Helpful Tips To Immediately Increase Your Confidence by Kent Sayre 1.) Ask yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?” Too often, we place excess importance on potential problems. We all have a certain amount of energy so let’s apply it to creating extraordinary relationships, advancing our careers and meeting our goals INSTEAD of wasting that energy worrying. Take action on what you have control over and minimize risks for what you don’t. Then invest your energy wisely. 2.) In doing something for the first time, imagine that you have already done it in the past. Close your eyes, then vividly imagine you succeeding wildly at what you are really going to do for the first time. The mind does NOT know the difference between something VIVIDLY imagined and something real. Make it vivid by involving all 5 senses. 3.) Find someone who is already confident in that area and copy them. Model as many of their behaviors, attitudes, values, and b...